Thursday, January 17, 2013

I got a Liebster Award!

I was Nominated for the Liebster Award by 2 Blogs!
1st was Coffee, Books & Lipgloss
I love both these blogs and visit them regularly- Thank you so Much!

Rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog & link back to the blogger who presented this award to you.

2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator (I will be answering 22 questions), list 11 random facts about yourself & create 11 questions for your nominees

3.Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blog of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed & leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen. (no tag backs)

4. Copy & Paste the blog award on your blog.

11 Things about Me

1. I love Gummy Bears but not your kind you can get anywhere they are from Bears & Buddies and the flavor is Thorne Sallow- When I run out it's not pretty

2. I'm 41 & a Grandma - to a sweet little one I have renamed Apple Pie because I can.

3. I have 17 Tattoos

4. I am a published author of a Craft book called "Upcycled Accessories"

5. I live in Michigan (always have) but I hate the cold weather.

6. I only read about 4 novels before June 2012!

7. I spin yarn 

8. I also Make stuff out of Trash! Used Gift Cards, Plastic Bags, Paper, Old T-Shirts, etc.

9. Reading for me is like crack is to a crackhead- I can't stop & I'm doing it every second I can.

10. I sucked my thumb until I was in 5th grade - the day I got braces

11. My brothers pet name for me growing up was Butt Face

Questions provided by Coffee, Books & Lipgloss who was kind enough to nominate me!

01• What would be the ONE thing you have done that may have been the best decision of your life.

Marry the love of my life- My Hubby who lets me be who I want to be!

03• When was the last time you ate something and thought to yourself - "If no-one see's me eat it... it doesn't count right?" - Oh and what was it?

Gummy Bears- 20 mins ago lol

04• What is your current or all-time "Get up and Dance" song? The one You just have to jiggle to when you hear it! 

C'mon N' Ride it (The Train) by Quad City DJ - Not that this song comes on the radio or I hear it often lol it's from 1996!

05• What is the one thing you would really love... but just can't afford it right now?

iPad Mini - Frankly I don't need it either I just love all things apple.

06• What is the name of the last book you read, really didn't like and actually dreaded having to write a review about it?

The Ivy Lesson- There aren't any books that I truly didn't like or connect with but this was the one that I actually hated I couldn't connect with the characters at all and everything was just to fast and unbelievable to me. I will say I have seen a lot of great reviews for it so I'm thinking it's just me lol.

07• What made you decide to start a book review blog?

I had about 4 novels in my life as of June 2013 then I read Fifty Shades of Grey , loved it, then was thinking what do I read now? I needed to read another book to get Christian and Anna out of my head so I searched and searched and founded what I was looking for so after I read about 50 books I thought there has to be other people out there that are looking for more books like Fifty Shades to read so I started a blog so they didn't have to go on the hunt for those books!

08• Using the letters of your first name to create individual words / phrases... Describe yourself to us. ie. I would be: Lazy at times, Aloof, Under the Radar, Ready for anything, Yells at fictional characters, Never Sleeps, Needs to be more active, Easy to figure out.

Reads Anywhere, Creative, Insightful, Crazy

09• A fictional character you wouldn't mind waking up to each morning?

Travis Maddox - Beautiful Disaster

10• When was the last time you did something entirely selfish. Something just for you and what was it?

I think reading books is entirely selfish and I do it everyday!

11• If you could be friends with yourself, would you? And why?   

Totally! I am funny and I have diarrhea of the mouth and just say what's on my mind without thinking first- which makes me funny lol.

Questions provided by Romantic Reading Escapes Book Blog 
who was kind enough to nominate me as well!

1. What is your favorite book series of all time?

So many - Redhead series i suppose because it was hot and funny!

2. If you had one night with your book boyfriend, who would it be?

Travis Maddox - Beautiful Disaster

3. If you could have dinner with one author, who would it be?

4. Do you prefer series or stand alone books?

Don't really have a preference actually 

5. How many people attend to your blog?

Just me!

6. What is the most rewarding thing you have experienced since blogging?

Connecting with Authors & helping them promote their books.

7. Where is your ideal vacation destination?

Any place warm

8. How long have you been blogging?

I started this blog Sept. 2013 - I have another blog over at

9. What is the book that gave you such an emotional response more than the others?

10. What genre do you read most?

Contemporary Romance

11. What do you look for when selecting a book to read?

Hot Steamy Love

The 11 Questions I will be asking of the Following Blogs.

1. Your Favorite Author?

2. How do you feel about Epilogues? 
3. Do you read all the books yourself or do you have others post reviews on your blog as well?
4. Do you have a day job?
5. How many hours a week do you read?
6. Do you feel bad when you have to post a not so favorable review?
7. What genre do you stay away from?
8. What is your number one reason for having a book blog?
9. What's the weirdest place you were when you were reading a book?
10. What was the first book you read?
11. What's your favorite TV show?

11 Blogs I Nominate for the Liebster Award!

1. Sinfully Sexy Books 
2. Totally Books Blog
3.Shh Moms Reading
4. Book Crush Reviews
5. Natasha is a Book Junkie
6. I suck and can only find 5 book blogs that have under 200 followers!
If you know 6 more blogs that I could Nominate let me know!!!


tasharoo said...

Congrats! I still haven't read beautiful Disaster. I should get on that I that the one about the fighter and he makes a bet with the girl to live with him? I think I picked it up in chapters one day and read like half of it ha ha ha

Unknown said...

There's not a lot of hot steamy sex in the book but it moved me for some reason I loved loved loved it. Let me know what you think if you read it I'm curious :)

tasharoo said...

Just finished it. I liked it a lot. Should be interesting to read travis' pov. I keep wondering why he calls her pigeon. I think the next one is releasing in april