Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Prince of Asteria

ebook prince erotica review

UN translator Lucy Snow sneaks into an embassy party... and meets Prince Jagor, heir to the throne of Asteria. He's mysterious, charming and supremely powerful, and soon their encounter is spinning out of control in one of the embassy bedrooms. Lucy knows her life has changed forever, but their initial tryst isn't enough for the prince: he offers her a job as his personal aide. Dare she accept a position with a man who knows exactly how to dominate her: a man she must address as 'Your Highness'?


Short Story 63 pages.
This is a hot book!
I was kind of on edge about how the Prince treated Lucy but she didn't seem to mind so I was good with it (there I go acting like they are real!). I also had to remember that Prince Jagor was not an american but rather a man from a different world(not paranormal) where things are not done as I know. It's a whirl wind of events that leaves you craving more. A few hot steamy sex scenes. 


Romance: 3 out of 5
Kink: 4 out of 5 
Raunch: 3 out of 5
Overall Hotness:  4 out of 5

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