Wednesday, May 24, 2017



According to Hayley love is a subject of ridicule, a myth created by hopeless romantics.

When Hayley makes a resolution to declare her loose lifestyle era R.I.P, it’s all good in theory…

That is until she meets Daniel Stark, a well-respected, mid-thirties business man who is known for his short temper, lack of steady relationships as well as his strict preserve of his private life.

Opinionated, sharp tongued Hayley accidently steps into his office leaving Daniel resolved to put Hayley in her place and have her in his bed.

Both Hayley and Daniel can’t avoid the immediate instigation of the attraction between them.

In a unanimously agreed upon verdict by Hayley and her two best friends, Ian the gay self-absorbed, aspiring model and Natasha the witty, borderline neurotic soul mate, Daniel Stark is to be Hayley’s pure physical attraction, emotions aside era closure.

Will it indeed be a closure, or a beginning to something neither Hayley nor Daniel ever bargained for…


*audio book - ok narrator voice.

The basic story is playboy billionaire falls for sassy girl that wants nothing to do with him. Daniel wears Haley down and they fall in love. He is moody but always gentle with her. When a story leaks he is quick to blame her and it's a heart breaking break up. Each reach out but the other isn't willing to give in. Some hot steamy sex. It ends on a cliffhanger.

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