Friday, June 27, 2014

Fix You #3

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If he's going down, he's going down swinging...

Now that Bash has a second chance with Olivia, he doesn’t want to blow it, but if he tells her the truth about his nighttime activities, he could lose her forever.

Olivia loves that Bash is willing to stick his neck out for those he loves, but not when it might ruin his career...or worse. When she finds out he’s left her bed in the middle of the night to compete in an illegal, bare-knuckled fight run by a notorious Boston mobster, she’s furious.

How can she trust Bash if he keeps lying to her? And how many more times can he put himself at risk before it finally catches up with him?


Thing between Olivia and Bash go from wonderful to crappy in the blink of an eye. Bash is trying to take one for his brother but by doing so he lies to Olivia. Olivia wants to be a team with Bash, so she refuses his excuses and cuts her losses. A crappy turn of events brings what's important to the forefront. Can Bash be the man that Olivia needs? Some hot steamy juicy sex. Fabulous ending.

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