Sunday, January 4, 2015

Leon's Way

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I’m Leon , number one object of Deepsilver’s rumor mill. Owner of student hotspot, Smother. 

Since I was sixteen, the world has been mine. I do everything—
My way. 

Every co-ed in town clenches her thighs over me, but most don’t fit the bill. See, I like my girls broken . Once I detect my shade of don’t-give-a-fuck damaged, I fight hard, I fight dirty, and I don’t give up until—
I conquer. 

Drunk fathers and frequent beatings don’t merit attention, but when my despicable dad starts the process of croaking, I’m forced to remember. Thus, the downward spiral begins: my latest broken-girl turns the tables on me and splits. My hot-as-hell employee, Arriane, throws me the curve ball of a lifetime. And suddenly—
I’m out of control. 

But at the center of my chaos, she exists. Always close, always sweet, and so beautifully fucking… wholesome. She represents everything I’ve shied from in a woman. Still—
I crave her. 

I’m Leon, and I don’t deny my cravings. Just—this girl is not surrendering. So here I am, fighting harder. Fighting dirtier. And goddammit all, I will—


Adrianne has loved Leon from afar for a long time now. She knows his moods and what he needs. She has watched him with these broken girls and knows she's not one of them. One night changes the course of both their lives. Leon has demons he's fighting, but he just can't let go. Adrianne love's him, but he has to find a way to bury his past before they can truly move forward. It's a bumpy road, and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop most of the book but there were only small diversions. The sex scenes were hot hot hot. The ending was Fantastic.

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