Friday, February 21, 2014

With You

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Sculpt is an illegal fighter.

He’s also the lead singer of a local rock band.

No one knows his real name.

And from the moment I met him, he made me forget mine.

In order to convince Sculpt to give me self-defense lessons, I had to follow his one rule—no complaining or he’d walk. I didn’t think it would be a problem. I could handle a few bruises. What I hadn’t anticipated was landing on my back with Sculpt on top of me and my entire body burning up for him.

I tried to ignore it.

I failed of course. And having a hot, tattooed badass on top of me week after week, acting completely immune to what he was doing to my body—it was frustrating as hell, so I broke his rule—I complained.

Then he kissed me.


Sculpt is your hot bad boy that nobody knows anything about. Emily is a curvy 20 year old that has a lot of self esteem issues. This is Sculpt & Emily story of how they fell in love. Sculpt is rough around the edges but she show's Emily a softness that no one else gets to see. I am surprised that he went for Emily since she is not his type and he went as far as to tell her that but I guess being around her for awhile changed his mind. One hot sex scene. The ending is a cliff hanger so make sure you have "Torn from You" ready to go. 


"all magazine covers had models looking like the girl currently hanging off Sculpt like a piece of tinsel. Seriously, the guy was too attractive for his own good. The tinsel on his left arm glared at me as if I was going to steal her christmas tree."

" 'Lego building.' I jerked at his words. 'What?' 'You think too much.' 'So? I have a lot on my mind. And what does Lego have to do with it?' His dark eyes narrowed. 'You build up blocks in your head in techno color.' "

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